I was accosted at the school gate the other morning by a Primary School student keen to thrash out why we are having such a big focus on our ¾ÅÉ«91 values. He knew what our five values were (connectedness, curiosity, courage, excellence and integrity) but he let me know in no uncertain terms that he didn’t see why discussing them was necessary. Was it perhaps because I w ...

We’ve had a smooth start to the year and been happy to welcome a number of new students into our classes. Initial phone calls home have proved a delight, hearing about how impressed parents are with the Carmel welcome and the high-quality learning that started right from the beginning of the academic year. Although we know what a good job we do, it certainly is marvellous to he ...

Welcome back to 2023 and a brand-new school year. I hope you all had a fabulous break and enjoyed a restful time with family and friends in the sunshine. It was brilliant to be able to greet all the High School students at the gate on their first day this week – great to catch up with students from last year and to meet our newest recruits. We were very pleased to welcome many ...

I am so very proud of the Class of 2022 and I congratulate them for putting in the hard work necessary to produce these impressive results. Each student has shown such integrity and courage over recent years and for this they are to be commended.

The last full week of term is a good time to reflect on the school year. And what a year it has been! The learning curve has been steep in my first year as Principal at ¾ÅÉ«91, and I have been grateful to listen to and learn from a huge range of people with very diverse views. I am proud of the many opportunities that the School offers to our students and the dedicated s ...

Levi celebrated his Bar mitzvah two weeks ago, at Perth Hebrew Congregation (PHC). His Parsha was Bereishit – the first one of the year - and he read a section of his Parasha in shule. Levi explained to me that it’s all about creation and what happens from that point until the story of Noah’s ark. The story is also about the legacy of Adam and Eve. The message that Levi underst ...

Time seems to be racing past – can it really be that we’re nearing the end of Term 4 and I have (nearly) survived my first year as a principal?! Although the Primary School is still buzzing with the promise of the infamous and much-awaited concert which I am very much looking forward to, the last couple of weeks of term in the High School are feeling very strange, with Years 1 ...

Non-teaching friends often naively comment at this time of year that we teachers must be winding down and enjoying the end of year festivities. It would probably be rude to snort with derision at the misguided thought of a relaxing end to Term 4, as it is one of the busiest times for us, preparing for concerts and finalising assessments and writing reports and generally trying ...

The past week has been a busy and memorable one, I was proud to be an ambassador for ¾ÅÉ«91 at many important community events. Sunday’s commemoration of Kristallnacht at the PHC was a moving service. Judith Lawrence from the Holocaust Institute delivered a beautifully crafted and moving speech that taught me much I had not known about events that happened on that barba ...

Alec recently celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at the Perth Hebrew Congregation (PHC). He is proud that he read from the Torah in Hebrew and lead part of the service. He said he did very well – it was a nerve wracking experience with so many people present and he felt very relieved when it was over. There were people from ¾ÅÉ«91 there, as well as family, friends and others. T ...