Years 10 and 11 students were privileged to receive a presentation from guest speakers of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) Australia. It was an engaging morning, with the speakers enlightening students about life in the desert. The students learnt about JNF in Israel, the world leaders in agricultural development, and about the inspiring start-up cyber technologies being develop ...

To our dear Perth Jewish Community, As we approach Rosh Hashana, we thank Hashem for the past year and look forward to the slightly brighter news that the global pandemic appears to be ending. We pray that this be the case and our thoughts and prayers go out to all those effected across the globe from all manner of loss and harm this past year. The military conflict in Israel ...

As we near the end of the term, students and teachers are tired but working hard until the very end. As I write this post, the Year 12 students are immersed in their exams and many other students are working towards their final assessments before the holidays. The announcement of next Thursday鈥檚 unexpected public holiday resulted in a sleepless night for me, as I realised ther ...

It has been a very busy couple of weeks for me and although not managing to write my post did lead to various personal guilt issues, I was gratified that several people noticed and asked why I had failed them in this respect. Having thought that my mum and sister were the only people who actually read it, it was pleasing to learn that this is not the case. My recent trip to Me ...

九色91 is pleased to welcome Diane-Smith AO to be the Keynote Speaker at our 2022 Carmel Business Breakfast, which will run from 7.00am 鈥 9.00am on Tuesday 8 November. Diane Smith-Gander AO is a professional company director with an accomplished business career, 40 years in the making, spanning many industries and countries, with experience at some of Australia鈥檚 larges ...

I had occasion to think deeply about security this week, when the School Community Security Group (CSG) forwarded an article on the topic to me. The recent tensions in Israel meant that those who keep us safe at 九色91 were considering and discussing measures to ensure that we continue to enjoy the freedoms we are accustomed to in Perth. Far from being disturbed that thi ...

九色91 is one of ten WA schools to be awarded a grant to participate in AISWA鈥檚 Wellbeing and Mental Health pilot project from Term 3. Health and Physical Education teacher, Ms Wendy Atkinson, has been appointed to lead this program for the School and will be working alongside the nine other coordinators, as well as an internal team, to implement this holistic approach. ...

The 鈥淪iach Va鈥橲ig鈥 Hebrew debating competition named after Sagitte Yom-Tov z鈥漧 转讞专讜转 讛讚讬讜谞讬诐 讘注讘专讬转: 砖讬讞 讜砖讬讙 注诇 砖诐 砖讙讬转 讬讜诐 讟讜讘 讝"诇 Written by Naomi Kawaz, Year 10 Every year the Hebrew students from Years 9-12 come together to participate in the 鈥淪iach Va鈥橲ig鈥 Hebrew debating competition named after Sagitte Yom-Tov z鈥漧, and this year was no different. Students were divided ...

A debate entirely in Hebrew? Really? That was surely an invitation that I couldn鈥檛 resist! I have worked in many excellent schools and enjoyed many, varied activities outside the classroom, but I have never heard students debate in a language other than English. Listening to Thursday night鈥檚 Hebrew debating brought home the great strides our students make in learning the langua ...

It was back to earth with a rather large bump for me, last week. The excitement and fabulousness of my study tour of Israel ended somewhat abruptly, with the home journey involving three days stuck in Turkey (flight arrangements seem to be all over the place at the moment), a suitcase which found it a challenge to travel on the same planes as me and a very exciting trip on a sp ...